Recovery Roundtable: Incorporating Supports into Recovery Supports

22jun9:00 am3:00 pmRecovery Roundtable: Incorporating Supports into Recovery Supports9:00 am - 3:00 pm(GMT+00:00) 11100 Old Hwy 64 Bolivar, TN 38008

Event Details

This course will provide a review of various components of the Recovery Support system – in particular in the vicinity of the Roundtable location. The licensure, contracting and certification processes that affect service access will be reviewed – such rules for recovery residences, clinical licensure standards, rules for Recovery Courts, and the Certified Congregation program from TDMHSAS.

Presenters will include Mary Linden Salter, LCSW who will review licensure and Drug/Recovery Court Standards to clarify the purpose and process for individuals in recovery. National Association of Recovery Residences (NARR) Standards will be reviewed by Daryl Murray, TNARR Board Member. Monty Burks will discuss the TDMHSAS statewide special project connecting local congregations and recovery support services.

A panel of service providers discussing the services provided in the region will follow. They will discuss how to access those services as well. The service discussion at the Roundtables is expected to highlight programs that are in place but that also can be enhanced or developed in the region.

Break out discussion groups will follow the panel to review problematic service access issues in the community such as transportation, housing, jobs, and recovery services. By highlighting what is possible programmatically, and discussing service gaps and needs, the session can be used to promote service coordination and creative ways of meeting the needs of this population.


By the end of the training participants will be able to:

  • Discuss ways to improve transportation for individuals attending recovery support services.
  • Find creative ways to address barriers to housing for individuals in recovery in order to decrease homelessness.
  • Discuss job programs and job supportive services that are available in the area.
  • Discuss ways to close the gaps in recovery services in the communities.
  • Confirm existing resources in the community and how to access those services.
  • Review rules for Tennessee Department Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services facilities licensing, Drug/Recovery court competencies, Standards for Recovery residences, and certifications for Recovery Congregations.
  • Discuss ways community partners work together to coordinate services for individuals.



June 22, 2018 9:00 am - 3:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


Western Mental Health Institute

11100 Old Hwy 64 Bolivar, TN 38008

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