12-Step Meetings

The power of one addict helping another is without parallel.

Meetings and Schedules

There are many different 12-step meetings in Memphis. Please refer to the websites below to find times and dates of meetings.


For friends and family members of alcoholics 

AA–Alcoholics Anonymous

Primarily focuses on people with alcohol addiction 
24-hour hotline: 901.454.1414  

NA–Narcotics Anonymous

12-step program for people who are addicted to any narcotic

Eating Disorders Anonymous

For those recovering from eating disorders
No meetings currently in Memphis, but online or phone/skype meetings are available

CA–Cocaine Anonymous

12-step program focusing on cocaine addiction

GA–Gamblers Anonymous

For those who think they have a gambling problem and have a desire to stop

DRA–Dual Recovery Anonymous

12-step meeting for people who have a dual diagnosis (for example, someone who is chemically dependent and also suffering from depression)


Children with an alcohol-addicted relative or friend

SIA–Survivors of Incest Anonymous

12-step program for those who have experienced a sexual encounter initiated by a family member or by an extended family member

SA–Sexaholics Anonymous

12-step meeting for those seeking recovery from sex addiction

OA–Overeaters Anonymous

12-step program for those who are seeking recovery from compulsive eating

OLGA–Online Gamers Anonymous

12-step meeting for those seeking recovery from excessive game playing


For the spouse, family or close friends of compulsive gamblers

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